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lensing entirely self theory looking glass prezi The ideas and feelings that people have about themselves their self-concept or self-image are developed in response to their perception and internalization of how others perceive and evaluate them (Chandler and Munday, 2011). "It doesn't just put communities in danger; it puts law enforcement in danger as well.". The Commentary that follows is from my [Bill Hamiltons] source that linked with inside sources and took notes on, Then the gas is injected into the barrel. GODS PROPHECY IS TRUTH! Felson (1981, 1985) studied a series of football players and primary-school students and found that the relationship between the perceived responses of others and the actual responses of others was reciprocal. Almost 5,000 National Guard troops remain deployed at the U.S. Capitol as a precaution. As she walks down the hallway, her classmates stare. There are certain circumstances where individuals care more about others perceptions of them than others. The first public reference to a Project Looking Glass came from the legendary UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar back when he first emerged into the public realm in 1989 when he identified it as one of the classified projects run out of the S-4 facility at Area 51. According to Mead, interactions with others serve to form self-identity in three steps: People imagine how they appear to other people; People imagine how others are, thus judging them based on appearance and how they present themselves; People imagine how others feel about them based on the judgments they make. Dramaturgy in Sociology | Analysis, Theory & Approach, Durkheim's Collective Representation | Theory, Importance & Examples, Socialization and Social Isolation: Definition & Case Studies, Erving Goffman's Theories: Impression Management, Dramaturgy & Symbolic Interaction, Breaching Experiment: Definition & Examples, Game Stage in Sociology | George Herbert Mead Theory, George Herbert Mead's Stages of Self and Development in Toddlers, Sense of Self and Self-Socialization: The Development of Self-Views. The book was largely about JFKs defiance of Majestic-12s control of black budget technology and UFO research but as a side note, it mentioned that Project Looking Glass bends time and space in a way that allows looking into the future. An error occurred trying to load this video. Anticipatory Socialization | Anticipatory & Reverse Socialization: Examples. These days, conspiracy theories are taking hold much faster. As far as I know, Project Looking Glass is some wild conspiracy theory that's meant to describe a highly classified government project. We're in an exam. Together, we can create a more connected and informed world. I have been studying the growth of the QAnon movement as part of my research into how extremist religious and political organizations create propaganda and recruit new members to ideological causes. Research has consistently supported Cooleys idea that people act based on the perceptions they have of how others perceive them rather than their actual responses. A person may consider comments from certain people as being more important than comments from others. Consider the lie that Barack Obama was born outside the U.S. a "depressing" case study for people who study conspiracy theories. Because project management is a young discipline, it--like all young disciplines--lacks well-developed theories. This nation would come very suddenly when the new one comes to office, a man of prayer and choice words. (LogOut/ Project Looking Glass was a program dealing with visualizing the effects of producing artificial gravity to predict the potential probability of future events. Wagner and Bushey have taught their congregation to stop listening to any media even Fox News because theyre are all Luciferian. What they provide instead is a road map to QAnon radicalization comprised of QAnon YouTube channels for the congregations daily media diet, the Qmap website that lists new QAnon conspiracy theories and Twitter influencers. The looking-glass self theory states that a person's thoughts and feelings about themselves are formed based on the responses of others. WebThrough the looking glass: examining theory development in project management with the resource-based view lens. McIntyre, L. J. Mar 12, 2022. The cyber self is the version of him or herself a person chooses to present on a digital platform. The resulting theory of social interaction is called the dramaturgical model of social life. Learn more about personality development. OKM is currently raising funds for something called Reclamation Ranch, which Wagner describes as a safe place for children rescued after being held underground by the deep state. We are committed to engaging with you and taking action based on your suggestions, complaints, and other feedback. Cooley along with the other members of the symbolic interactionist school, such as George Herbert Mead, argued that a child could not develop a sense of self in the absence of others to reflect that self back. On self and social organization: University of Chicago Press. Individuals give meaning to themselves, to others, and their situation through performance, appearance portrays performers social statuses, and manner refers to how the individual themselves plays the role (and whether or not it contradicts their appearance) (Goffman, 1959). Conceiving the self: RE Krieger. Now Mary is sitting in her math class and raises her hand to ask a question. Feb 22, 2014 And then God says, that there would be highly embarrassing time for many politicians in the upcoming elections and the democrats would be shaken and unsettling for the republicans. Verbal responses include comments made by others, whereas nonverbal responses may include body language, such as smiling. (2010). WebThe Check Mate Theory: Project Looking Glass & the Bill Wood and Kerry Cassidy interview. Social Action Theory: Origins & Examples | What is Social Action Theory? 'Through The Looking Glass': Conspiracy Theories Spread Faster And Wider Than Ever False conspiracy theories have always been a part of U.S. history, but experts say they're spreading faster and wider than ever before. Felson (1981) found that projection was an important part of actively constructing reflected appraisals. Could the transition from one Mayan Long Count calendar cycle (of about 5125 years) to another mark the start of a relatively short (even if it takes 11 years or more) window for the age to come to an end? In an interview Lazar (L) replied to a question about the project as follows: As Mary is walking out, a classmate stops her to say, 'Hey, thanks for asking that - nobody got it. Followers of this baseless QAnon conspiracy believe that Trump will vanquish a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophile elites who secretly run the country in a cataclysmic event known as "the Storm.". Note that I am not advocating this theory, but it has a strange connection to the freewill debate worth pointing at. According to the alleged insiders, The Looking Glass technology was apparently used to look backward and forward in time, using the consciousness of an operator as a type of steering mechanism. Vidhi has experience working in academic affairs and staff management. The last 15 minutes are dedicated to communion and prayer. Commission for the Blind leader resigns after reports of abuse and mismanagement, Councilor Kenzie Bok picked to lead Boston Housing Authority, Charges in Woburn restaurants case upgraded to labor trafficking, forced labor. Cooley argued that the dynamic of self-creation is similar to a looking-glass (a mirror) in that: As we see our face, figure, and dress in the glass and are interested in them because they are oursso in imagination, we perceive in anothers mind some thought of our appearance, manner, aims, deeds, character, friends, and so on, and are variously affected by it (1902; McIntyre, 1998). This device utilized 6 electromagnetic fields and a height adjustable rotational cylinder that would fill Project Management Journal, 35 (3), 1526. LookingGlass self: Goffman as symbolic interactionist. The following looking-glass self examples will explain how each component contributes to a person's feelings and thoughts about themselves. All these consequences are more severe when digital users are young or in their teens. Facts matter! Among the dead was Nohemi Gonzalez, a 23-year-old American studying abroad who was the first person in her large family to graduate from college. This initial theory was based on Cooleys observations of childhood social development. Create your account, 1 chapters | This is underpinned by the idea that the context of someones socialization allows them to define themselves. To do so, Martey and Consalvo conducted surveys of participants and built on Goffmans (1959) theories of how individuals use appearance and behavior to shape others impressions of them. This means that the mental processes occurring in the human mind are the direct result of social interaction. Are you stupid? According to Cooley (1902), the human mind is social and mental. The Sunday service is led by Russ Wagner, leader of the Indiana-based OKM, and Kevin Bushey, a retired colonel running for election to the Maine House of Representatives. WebThe Looking Glass was the anchor in what was known as the World Wide Airborne Command Post (WWABNCP) network. As Wagner stated in his April 12 service: I am here to focus on the deep state church. Symbolic interaction, 28(2), 147-166. I soon saw a Youtube video, 11/15/19, by Jordan Sathers Destroying the Illusion channel, saying Project Looking Glass uses reverse engineered ET technology for remote viewing probable futures suggesting that the Deep State had control until Trumps team took over, and now Trumps team may be using Looking Glass technology against the Deep State. They believe the same deep state that controls the world has also infiltrated traditional churches. Now a faction within the movement has been interpreting the Bible through QAnon conspiracies. WebThe Looking Glass was the anchor in what was known as the World Wide Airborne Command Post (WWABNCP) network. succeed. The facts are: this is the material that we have available that we know. OKM is part of a network of independent congregations (or ekklesia) called Home Congregations Worldwide (HCW). She wants to throw a party on Friday, so if people think she's rich, they might want to come over to her house. Like Cooley, Mead argues that the I and Me must be developed through socialization with children, particularly through play and games. Social Psychology Quarterly, 71-78. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The first public reference to a Project Looking Glass came from the legendary UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar back when he first emerged into the public realm in 1989 when he identified it as one of the classified projects run out of the S-4 facility at Area 51. According to the alleged insiders, The Looking Glass technology was apparently used to look backward and forward in time, using the consciousness of an operator as a type of steering mechanism. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. The first public reference to a Project Looking Glass came from the legendary UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar back when he first emerged into the public realm in 1989 when he identified it as one of the classified projects run out of the S-4 facility at Area 51. The looking-glass self theory thus teaches multiples aspects of self-image and includes the following three major components: A person imagines how others see them. Learn more about careers for psychology majors. This is followed by an hour-long Bible study where Wagner might explain the Fall Cabal video that attendees had just watched or offer his observations on socio-political events from the previous week. In addition, the looking-glass self may be impacted differently depending on the nature of the interaction as well as the people involved in the interaction. DO NOT REMOVE MY COMMENT PLEASE! People constantly seek to create consistency between their internal and external worlds and, therefore, continue to perceive, adjust, and strive for equilibrium throughout their lives. GOD TOLD HIM IT WAS SO His shirt got sucked into the fan before he put it on. WebThe looking-glass technology shows you a glimpse or a scene from one instance of the future. At a service held on April 26, Wagner and Bushey spoke about a QAnon theory, called Project Looking Glass, that the U.S. military has secretly developed a form of time-travel technology. This is also supported by a number of classical studies (Miyamoto and Dornbush, 1956; Backman and Secord, 1962; Rosenberg, 1979). Autonomy and Conformity in Cooleys SelfTheory: The LookingGlass Self and Beyond. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. Children at risk is an ongoing theme in many QAnon conspiracy theories, including the famous fake Pizzagate theory. 45 Dislike Share Save. For people with disabilities needing assistance with the Public Files, contact Glenn Heath at 617-300-3268. 383 views. Derechos de autor 20102023, ASOCIACION THE CONVERSATION ESPAA. Its goal is to attain sociopolitical and economic transformation through the gospel of Jesus in what it calls the seven mountains or spheres of society: religion, family, education, government, media, entertainment and business. Marginalized through the Looking Glass Self. I first read about Project Looking Glass in a book by exopolitics author Dr. Michael Salla titled Kennedys Last Stand. To summarize, the relationship and alignment between the perceived and actual responses of others is heavily dependent on context, and people generally select whose responses do and do not matter to them. Rahim, E. A. 'Through The Looking Glass': Conspiracy Theories Spread Faster And Wider Than Ever False conspiracy theories have always been a part of U.S. history, but experts say they're spreading faster and wider than ever before. But John thinks that his tattered shirt will make people think he's poor. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. The operator would sit in a chair that was apparently recovered from a downed extraterrestrial craft capable of interfacing with consciousness Rosenberg (1979) proposes four other factors as having effects on reflected appraisals: someones awareness of reflected appraisals, their agreement with them, the personal relevance these appraisals have, and their interpersonal significance. image from: https://www.thelivingmoon.com/42stargate/03files/Project_Looking_Glass_LANL.html Experts say social media platforms are looking for better ways to counter disinformation. BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester. On May 3, the theme of the QAnon portion of the service was about COVID-19. The operator would sit in a chair that was apparently recovered from a downed extraterrestrial craft capable of interfacing with consciousness I don't get it either!' The teacher explains it again. Project Looking Glass technology saw that the Great Awakening cannot be stopped, says military insider. The looking-glass self, first coined by Charles Cooley, describes how ones self or social identity is dependent on ones appearance to others. Symbolic Interactionism: Examples | What is Symbolic Interaction Theory? Franks, D. D., & Gecas, V. (1992). Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. According to Self, Symbols, & Society, Cooleys theory is notable because it suggests that self-concept is built not in solitude, but rather within social settings. Laura Langford is a nationally Certified Health Education Specialist. WebThrough the looking glass: examining theory development in project management with the resource-based view lens. In turn, QAnon conspiracy theories serve as a lens to interpret the Bible itself. For individuals who wish to ask the psychological questions essential for modern times, however, the right career begins with the right degree. As of May, OKM moved from Zoom to YouTube to accommodate the growth in attendees. As I understand it there was significant movement of mass during that experiment, and it ended up with a rather gruesome death for the poor test subject. WebIn tonight's video, we discuss the origins of Project Looking Glass, Chronovisors, and the implications this theory could have on reality. Together, we can create a more connected and informed world. The looking-glass self describes the process wherein individuals base their sense of self on how they believe others view them. There's eyewitness accounts," she says. For example, on a dance floor, many people who see themselves as good dancers may in fact be perceived as bad dancers but will nonetheless react as if they are good dancers. Understand how information is transformed into a memory. According to Burisch, US intelligence agencies had several devices they built using instructions found in ancient Sumerian and Egyptian tombs. For Cooley, both emotions arise from self-monitoring, considering them to be basic social emotions (Scheff, 2005). The result of intimate association, psychologically, is a certain fusion of individualities in a common whole, so that ones very self, for many purposes at least, is the common life and purpose of the group (Cooley, 1998). Mary says that one of the concepts didn't make sense to her. People living in so-called ghettos are ascribed a negative stereotype that often leads people to think poorly of themselves and their opportunities, leading in turn to individuals engaging in harmful and dangerous opportunities in the community. This audience can vary based on the setting (the location and context where the interaction takes place) (1959). The practical skeptic: Mayfield Publishing Company. Journal of International Academic Research, 10(1), 9-19. Drawing from his observations of his own daughter as she developed her ability to use the looking-glass self, Cooley noted that children are especially incentivized to learn how to use the looking-glass self well, as it helps them in a competition for care from members of their primary group. PhD candidate Individualized Program, 2020-2021 Public Scholar, Concordia University, Marc-Andr Argentino receives funding from Concordia University. Burisch talked often about a top-secret program called Project Looking Glass.. Universiti Concordia aporta financiacin como institucin fundacional de The Conversation CA-FR. Individuals may experience a greater sense of urgency to return to or remain in digital spaces. If Mary and John repeatedly receive this kind of positive or negative feedback, they will develop a self-image that is consistent with it. (1998). Get all the latest from Sanditon on GBH Passport, How one Brookline studio helps artists with disabilities thrive. Burisch talked often about a top-secret program called Project Looking Glass.. (There is no evidence of this.) image from: https://www.thelivingmoon.com/42stargate/03files/Project_Looking_Glass_LANL.html The Self Executive & Organizational Functions | What is the Self? At last count, approximately 300 accounts participated in the recent services. However, some scholars, such as Scheff (2005), argue that Goffman does follow the symbolic interactionist tradition, particularly when he shifts from structuralism (the conceit of the stage, the actors, and the audience) to the motivations of the actors. 45 Dislike Share Save. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. In particular, Cooley examined pride and shame (1902). "There is certainly a bloc of people who are willing to believe conspiracies sort of across the board," says Chris Jackson, a pollster at Ipsos, "even if it doesn't have any basis in reality or fact.". Rahim argues that under this theory, individuals who are stereotyped will come to integrate societys label of them as their identity and will subsequently reproduce that identitys behaviors (2010). What Ive witnessed is an existing model of neo-charismatic home churches the neo-charismatic movement is an offshoot of evangelical Protestant Christianity and is made up of thousands of independent organizations where QAnon conspiracy theories are reinterpreted through the Bible. While thats not a lot of followers, we should be concerned about these latest developments. A person's perception of how others see them can result from both verbal and nonverbal responses from others. OKMs ministry is rooted in Taylors prophecies. But for some people, all the evidence in the world will never be enough. Its JORDAN not jonathan, https://jordansather.tv/ This one incorrect item calls your whole website into question. Mar 12, 2022. The host of digital platforms involved also brings into question whether ones identity may become splintered, or whether developmental problems will result. Wagner suggested to e-congregants that time travel can be explained by certain passages in the Bible. Cooley's looking-glass self theory states that a person develops their self-image based on the responses of others as well as their perception of how others see and judge them. His classmate whips around and says, 'Shut up! The book was largely about JFKs defiance of Majestic-12s control of black budget technology and UFO research but as a side note, it mentioned that Project Looking Glass bends time and space in a way that allows looking into the future. As I have been saying the outcome is written by levels of consciousness way beyond the village idiots of the Cult the people win as they awaken to the truth. The early 1900s brought the development of the looking-glass self. Journal of International Academic Research, 10 (1), 9-19. Simply Scholar Ltd. 20-22 Wenlock Road, London N1 7GU, 2023 Simply Scholar, Ltd. All rights reserved, Goffmans The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. She assumes it is because she looks great in her lucky outfit and smiles at them, getting smiles in return. To do the subject justice, however, you can educate yourself with this long 53 minute video: I have now edited the post. To what extent is the self-image shaped by society and circumstances, and to what extent is the self a reflection of ones essential qualities? Perception Is Reality: The Looking-Glass Self, Professional Development and Continuing Education, Graduate School of Arts & Social Sciences. Project Management Journal, 35 (3), 1526. Wagner regularly mentions that if it wasnt for Taylor, he would have never started this ministry. but that was essentially playing with gravity distorting time.. The self grows as it interacts with more and more people. As has been long posited by sociologists, people may have a self-image that is formed by their interactions with others or even no essential self at all. Rahim (2010) examined Cooleys (1922) theory of the looking-glass self in the context of people living in inner-city ghettos.. Cooley, C. H. (1902). Behavior and self esteem are dictated by a person's predictions of how theyll be perceived by others. its JORDAN not jonathan. The players performed their membership in certain groups such as gender, race, and sexuality through fashion and dress, and the researchers sought to test how choices of avatar appearance related to the prevailing social norms of the groups they participated in. "They're given evidence that it's not true, and they say, well, that evidence is fake. WebIn tonight's video, we discuss the origins of Project Looking Glass, Chronovisors, and the implications this theory could have on reality. Forbidden technology part II, Project Looking Glass - Auricmedia - Blogman's Wonderland That individual imagines others judgment of that appearance. But God said watch, I said 20,000. In another Ipsos poll from January, one-third of respondents falsely believed that voter fraud helped President Joe Biden win the November election. This emphasis on distinguishing between the actual responses of others and peoples perceptions of these responses has also gained much attention. There may be some reasons for optimism. Nostradamus prophecies suggest Europe will suffer greatly before WWIII ends in 2028. Mind is social and mental responses may include body language, such as smiling Action based your! Are commenting using your WordPress.com account more severe when digital users are young or in their teens provided by Masters. 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