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13th virginia regiment revolutionary war

I was there discharged, by my said Captain John Woods, discharged the last day of July or the first day of August 1778. Journal of the American Revolution also produces annual hardcover volumes, a branded book series, and the podcast, Dispatches. James Armstrong was in command. We marched from Greenbrier County in the said State under the command of Captain T. Wright and Colonel J Henderson with about 30 men to Burnsides on the Frontier of said County of Greenbrier in said state where we were stationed for protecting the frontier settlements. [M[y Father and my self each had a settlement right of 400 acres of land the title to which we perfected[?] Archives Division Publication date 1913 Topics Virginia. It was again reorganized and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 1 January 1781 to consist of two companies. It was credited as part of the Pennsylvania . After the war Gibson served as a judge of the court of common pleas and a general in the Pennsylvania militia, and in 1800 Jefferson appointed him secretary of the Indiana Territory, an office he held until 1816. On Aug. 11, 1779, Brodhead and 605 men, from the 8th Pennsylvania and 9th Virginia Regiments, marched north toward Conewago. Enter your email address to get automatic notification of new posts to this blog. Went on to Fort McIntosh lay there a while and then moved on with the army to Fort Laurence (Fort Laurens). Served the above six months a private as above. That in the winter of the year 1781, he was drafted for a three months Tour to go as he was then told against the Indians on Cumberland River and on the 15th day of February of that year he together with about thirty others took up their march as they supposed for that place under the command of Captain John Henderson, Lieutenant John Wood and Ensign John Hall, their company was joined at Burnsides Fort by a company from the County of Greenbrier Commanded by Captain James Armstrong and another Company commanded by Captain Davidson, in the whole was under the command of Major Hamilton. The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War. George McCormicks DAR record says that he served in the Virginia 13th Regiment under Colonels Crawford and Russell. Benjamin Harrison of VA. At the time, and unknown to Hull, only 100 men of the 41st Regiment, along with 300 militiamen and 150 Indians, defended Fort Malden. The Indians broke in upon our encampment, and killed six of us and wound one, the remaining part retreated to the Station. That he was a sergeant and acted as such during said three months tour, that he received his warrant as such, but not supposing that it would ever be of any service to him has long since lost or mislaid it and does not now remember to have seen it for at least forty years. Through its grants program, the NHPRC supports a wide range of activities to For to march to Kentucky, for the purpose of joining General Clark on an expedition against the Indians North West of the Ohio River, That he the said Peter was marched, to Fort Chissell, and my Father George Dixon, was sent on an express to Kentucky, and that the said Peter was detained at said Fort until the Bedford Co militia arived, under the command of Major. Wright and being stationed at Byrnsides Fort, under Capt. His expedition was one of several in Western Pennsylvania during the American Revolution. The 13th was prominent in the campaigns of the Army of Northern Virginia from the Seven Days' Battles to Cold Harbor, then it moved with Gen. Jubal Early to the Shenandoah Valley and later was involved in the Appomattox operations. Clay, was raised principally in Paris and the surrounding community. These expeditions aimed to protect frontier colonists from the threat of American Indians and made up a large part of Western Pennsylvanias role in the Revolutionary War. These first-hand narratives, mostly from the 1830s, are the recollections of the 18th century frontier soldiers of the Greenbrier Valley. After the Revolution, the fort was the home of the First American Regiment, the oldest active unit in the United States Army. About the year 1779 or 1780 as I think I volunteered under Captain Thomas Wright of Greenbrier County in the State of Virginia in which County I still lived with a body of Militia ordered out by the authority of Virginia. He states that he was stationed at Byrnsides Fort for 30 days in 1779, or 1780, with 30 men. 13th REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS 1 national color 2 state colors 14th REGIMENT MASSACHUSETTS VOLUNTEERS (see First Heavy Artillery) They arrived during the attack, rushed towards the fun. That they marched on to Fort Chisel (Chiswell) where they met with Major Quirk or Kirk a Continental Officer who assumed the command over Major (Andrew) Hamilton, and thence they marched on to Kentucky to Colonel Logans Station where they remained until the three months draft expired when they were informed that the object of the draft was to go to Detroit (with George Rogers Clark) and a number of the men becoming dissatisfied deserted the next day but he remained and went on to Baughmans Station and remained until most of the men left the Station when he was permitted to return home having served five months in said tour; that he never received any pay for said Services when acting as a Spy and but $6 for his services while drafted. [H]e states that he was engaged in a skirmish with the Indians on Greenbrier River in said State of Virginia. I am anxious to have the Regiment disciplind as early as possible this spring, therefore hope the application may not be premature. He also served during the American Revolutionary War as an officer in the Virginia state militia, raising a regiment from Gloucester County and supplementing . Lieutenant Colonel Walker was promoted to colonel . Virginia Independent Companies Regiment of Guards Search Virginia Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 fromThe National Archives: NARA M246. He this said declarant halted at said Garison untill the troops commanded by General Hann (Edward Hand) would arive this said declarant was to join General Hann to go against the Indians on the Sciote (Scioto River) now in the State of Ohio While he this said declarant lay at Point Pleasent, aforesaid Robert Gilmore a private (Lt. James Gilmore) in the Company that this said declarant belonged to was kild by the Indians. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Clark did so, in an epic way, and now was positioned within striking distance of the British fort at Detroit. It was originally Greenbrier County, and then Monroe County, and finally Summers County. Captain George McCormick served at the Battle of Brandywine in Colonel William Crawfords Virginia Regiment. That the nature of his service was to guard the Fort and go out when commanded in pursuit of the Indians when they would make their appearance in the settlement that his companions in service was commonly Matthew Patterson and John Cantly who are long since Dead. Previous to his entering the army he lived in the county of Greenbrier, that part which is now called Monroe, and was employed by James Byrnside to pack articles of merchandise to Fort St. Laurence (Laurens). Also competing for power in the region was Col. William Crawford, who commanded various militia units around Fort Pitt at this time. Through its grants program, the NHPRC supports a wide range of activities to Thomas Quirk when they all wer marched, to Kentucky to Logans Station, and that said Peter afterwards volunteered and served a tour under Colonel Logan against the Indians NW of Ohio River. Second Canadian Regiment of Infantry, 1776. I returned home to Greenbrier County in the State of Virginia the troops were discharged our tour of service was on this campaign three months. After fighting at First Manassas and in Jackson's Valley Campaign, it served in General Early's, W.Smith's, Pegram's, and J.A. As such, his talents were definitely best utilized as an Indian Spy on the frontiers, a necessary service since the defense plan depending on an early warning for the settlers to make it into their nearest fort prior to an attack.. [H]e entered the service as an Indian Spy in the spring of the year 1776: that at the time he entered the Service as a Spy he was enrolled and mustered in a company of Militia commanded by Captain John Henderson and raised in that part of the State of Virginia which is now Monroe on Wolf Creek about sixteen miles from where he now resides; that at the termination of the cold weather and when the first signs of approaching spring and the putting forth of vegetation appeared some signs of Indians having been seen, the people becoming much alarmed in the neighborhood betook themselves to Cooks Fort which was situated on Indian Creek about eight miles from where he now resides in about the same distance from where he then resided. . That in the early part of the Indian War there was a Fort or Garrison erected on a plantation belonging to James Burnsides two miles north west from where he lived which was called Burnsides Fort. It was again reorganized and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 1 January 1781 to consist of two companies. Theyre the best documentation we have on life and service on the Virginia frontier. He does not know in what month. that they told him he must goe with them to Niagara, that he made his Escape; By going to hunt for his horse. On 24 May 1778 the unit was assigned to the Western Department {Fort Laurens}, and on 12 May 1779 it was reorganized and redesignated as the 9th Virginia Regiment. Benjamin' Harrison Company - 13th Virginia Regiment" of Fairfax, Virginia, USA, as well as other members of the Reed "Revolutionary War - Capt. That he entered the Service of the United States under the following named Officers and Served as herein Stated. Samuel Haring's Co. Capt. His name was Capt. The fort may have had either two or four iron cannon (Wikipedia). The 13th Virginia Regiment was a United States infantry regiment during the American Revolutionary War . He was right. Entered Valley Forge with 175 men assigned, 69 fit for duty. 1778, having lost his entire right forearm due to an injury in the military service. +4 12 Ability Score Improvement 5 4 3 3 13th +5 13 Mystifying Argument (6th level) 5 4 3 3 1 14th +5 . 3 companies under Major Hamilton, includeing mine went to Chissels Mountain [sic] and from there towards Kentucky a part of the men indeed almost all of them went on to Kentucky. The 13th Virginia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment raised in central and western Virginia for service in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. Travelled to a place near the Crab Orchard [in Lincoln County KY], we encamped at night. (James) Graham of danger, which went unheeded, resulting in tragedy: He has heard him [George Dixon] long since relate the circumstance of King Cornstalk being kiled at Point Pleasant in virginia and his expedition to Kentucky with an Express. John Griffee Isaac Fisher [pension application S39524] and James Claypale that they left Hamiltons Fort and traveld along what was then called Lewises Campaign why that was the rout that General [Andrew] Lewis had marched his troops from Greenbrier to the Battle of the Point fought against the Indians at the mouth of the Greate Kanahawa in the fall of 1774 [sic: Battle of Point Pleasant at the mouth of Kanawha River, 10 Oct 1774]. That in the Spring of 1778 on the first of May he Valenteered and Served under Capt William Hamilton untill the first of Sept in the same year that in this year he was stationed in Hamiltons Garrison which was situated on Muddy creek (a tributary stream of Greenbrier river) about five miles higher up on said creek than the Fort that he had served in the year previous that he remained in Hamiltons Fort untill the night of the 28 of May when Leonard Cooper and a nother Spy came and informed the Garrison that Donlyes Fort (Donnallys Fort) (which was about 12 miles distance from Hamiltons Fort) was attacked by about two Hundred Indians and Capt Hamilton supposeing that his Fort was not strong enough to withstand and attack from such a force of Indians ordered his men to march that night to Keeny Fort [Fort Keeney] which was situated five miles below on Muddy Creek where he remained with a regulary embodied corps untill the time above named that is untill the 1st September 1778. Mar 11, 2023 1790 Early Slave Bill of Sale (Virginia) $500. Field officers at Valley Forge were Colonel William Russell, Colonel George Gibson, Lt. Records Commission. >"% '^' k:' * n^ >7-, %.^ ^^% ,x^^' - '^. Was two years & nine months in actual service I substituted as before stated for nine months. of Greenbrier County in the State of Virginia where I then lived for the defense of the Northwestern frontiers which were annoyed by the attacks of hostile Indians that we marched with a force of 100 men under the command of Captain Ben Harriss for Point Pleasant on the Ohio River near the mouth of the Kenhoura [Kanawha] river we arrived there with many of our men sic of the flux. The Greenbrier Militia already had rendezvoused three days earlier at Byrnsides Fort, along with the Dixon brothers: [H]e entered the service of the United States of the following named officers & served as herein stated: that he was drafted in the month of February in the year 1781 under Captain John Henderson and Lieutenant John Woods and Major Andrew Hamilton had the command. [23 March 1820]. John Sproull's Co. Lt. John Williams's Detachment Company not indicated 14th Infantry Regimental Staff Capt. Born 1749. At this period I had been transfered to the Company of Captain John Wood who had been promoted to the office of Captain. Stirlings Division|Muhlenbergs Brigade| 13th Virginia Regiment. Reached home the last of August in Company with twenty-eight others who had been in the same service. On the first of May seventeen hundred seventy nine engaged in the company commanded by Captain Graham under the command of Colonel Brown of Greenbrier County Virginia a spy to spy out and reconoiter the enroads and excursions of the Indians on the Kenhaway, and the Country thereabout, Served from the 1stof May seventeen hundred seventy nine to the first of November seventeen hundred Eighty one at the rate of five shillings per day in Contennental money were bound to find myself amunition and other aequipage together with necessary provision. after getting at the latter place I joined the army as a soldier. That he was Inlisted by Capt James Burnsides at his House, Greenbrier County Virginia for 18 months & was marched to Pittsburg Pensylvania where he was mustered into the 13th Regt. In May of 1778, Washington appointed Brigadier General Lachlan McIntosh, of Georgia, to succeed Gen. Hand in running the entire Western Department primarily Fort Pitt. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Early life . The fort was under siege by 200 Indians making it the second largest battle against the Indians within the bounds of present day West Virginia the first being the Battle of Point Pleasant. That was 1778, so he confused his dates. That he moved from the Eastern part of Augusta County in the year 1774 to Turkey Creek a tributary stream of Indian Creek now in the County of Monroe then he thinks called West Augusta and better known by the name of the Greenbriar [sic: Greenbrier] Country. 2021 Valley Forge Legacy Muster Roll Project. It was again reorganized and redesignated as the 7th Virginia Regiment on 1 January 1781 to consist of two companies. Marched to McAfees Station on Salt River, where Capt. I was marched back to Greenbrier County virgina. Byrnsides Fort Open House and the Farmers Day Parade 2022, Confederate Civil War Camp Found Near Union, WV, Fort Pitt During the Revolutionary War: General Brodheads Expedition, Finding Crawfords Burn Site article, 1985, Pension Application of George Dixon S16764, To Thomas Jefferson from the Officers of the Greenbrier County Militia, John Kincaids Rev War Narrative, Frontier Forts, Lead Mines, Scandal, and Forensic Pathology, James Christy of Byrnsides Fort: Indian Spy and Frontier Minister, Tub Mills on the 18th Century Virginia Frontier, Fire Strikers, a.k.a., Strike-a-Lites in the American fur trade. The Revolutionary War may have been another one of those "rich man's war, poor man's fight" - but many Virginians did fight. On a second tour (1778) this said declarant was drafted from the Milletia of said County of Greenbrier in Virginia (at the station of Burnsides, in the Co of Greenbrier in the State of Virginia with his Brother Peter Dixon -detail from his statement for his brothers application) to go to Kentucky, (and there join General [George Rogers] Clark on a expedition to the Scioto now in the State of Ohio. Either Hamiltons Fort is the same fort as Arbuckles Fort, or Arbuckles Fort was gone by 1777. GW ordered Gibson to take command of his former regiment, the 13th Virginia, in the spring of 1778 (see GW to William Russell, Sr., 28 May 1778), and before he retired from the army in January 1783 Gibson also commanded the 9th and 7th Virginia regiments. Walker's Brigade. Previous Engagements: Northern New Jersey, Defense of Philadelphia, Philadelphia-Monmouth. I highly recommend it. Kiashuta, also known as Guyasuta and The Hunter (c.17221794), was a prominent Seneca chief who took part in many councils between the Iroquois and the British before the Revolutionary War. That he served in this year from the 1stof August until the 1stof November following, nothing of importance occured during this year. Virginia had sent George Rogers Clark on his expedition west, and now he was poised to take Detroit. I was drafted in this Campaign but owing to my situation being lately married I could not go with the troops. where they had been and that they had seen no signs of Indians but not thinking a family safe in such a situation advised him to leave his Cabbin and go to the Fort but he did not concent to do so and in a few hours after the Spyes left him the House was attact by a small party of Indians and some of them firing at the door which was shut the ball penetrated through the door and lodged in the boddy of Mrs. Bradshaw and wounded her so badly that she died that night and on Bradshaws firing his gun through the door from the inner side the Indians retired without doing any farther damage. 3. Millers March, from the number of men who were on Commands, at the Small pox Hospital, & Employed as Artificers, we coud hardly mount a Serjts Guard. That he enlisted for Eighteen months that he served out his time and was discharged at Buckades (Bouquets, I believe) Old fort on the Muskingham River . These documents include muster rolls, payrolls, strength returns, and other miscellaneous personnel, pay, and supply records of American Army units, 1775-83. Wright which mustered at Byrnsides Fort, along with others discussed here. Moylan's Light Dragoons, 1779. The Swopes settled on Wolf Creek. List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. At the end of that year, their service was extended for the duration of the war. It was also at McAfees Station in Kentucky where Capt. Left Valley Forge in May 1778 for Fort Pitt. In those days, you could avoid a military draft by hiring someone else to go in your place. I remained in the Station about Two or three weeks. It appears that the force was then divided into two groups: one to assist Kentucky, and one to assist Montgomery County, Virginia with its Tory problem and guard the lead mines. . The regiment saw action in the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, and the Battle of Monmouth. One who was King Cornstalk a Shawnee Indian in despite of the Commandant officer of the Garison General Hann deeming the above named expedition inadvisable abandened the expedition. No. < J. Alston wm culled to tbe cbnir, and R. A. MoKoight appointed Secretary pro t*m. Tlio Chairman having called tbe meeting to or- ,0 This was generally in Greenbrier County after which time he was verbally discharged by his Captain. Assure yourself Sir we woud not have made this request but in consequence of the intreaties of the inhabitants here and the imminent danger to which we think these frontiers exposed, by thus drawing away the Militia. Where and in what year were you born. Each time they marched to Fort Chiswell, which existed for the purpose of guarding the lead mines, of which Chiswell himself was the first owner, hence the naming of the fort. He commanded frontier garrisons on the upper Ohio river at Fort Pitt (Pittsburg) and Fort Henry. The 13th Virginia was commanded byCol. They are divided up by state in alphabetical order. The 8th Pennsylvania, also stationed there, was commanded by Col. Daniel Brodhead. Subscribe now and get each blog post by email. 1 Image Add a Fact Owner: Fold3_Team Anyone can contribute Created: 10 Oct 2013 Modified: 10 Oct 2013 View Count: 32 (Recent: 1) On 24 May 1778 the unit was assigned to the Western Department (Fort Laurens), and on 12 May 1779 it was reorganized and redesignated as the 9th Virginia Regiment. Their Wives and Children were soon after forced to fly into Forts, to escape the danger of a savage Enemy, at a time when provisions were scarce in that part of the Country and must have suffered much since. On 24 May 1778 the unit was assigned to the Western Department, and on 12 May 1779 it was reorganized and redesignated as the 9th Virginia Regiment. If youve read That Dark and Bloody Water, by Allen Eckert, then youve read extensively about Col. Gibson and the entire ordeal of what occurred in the theater of operations around Fort Pitt at this time. I was attached to Capt Uriah Springers company Col John Gibson Regt. Companies recruited men from Yohogania County; Monongalia County and West Augusta District, now Ohio County. history museum that tells the 300+ year story of how celebrates Iowa's rich heritage, including its natural. Richard Arell's Co. Capt. Companies recruited men from Hampshire, Berkeley, Botetourt, Dunmore, and Prince Edward counties. Below is Georges own application narrative, which is pretty interesting. In the State of Indiana, Personally appeared before me the undersigned Justice of the peace in and for Warren County in said County, Peter Dixon, aged fifty years, who after being duly sworn deposeth & saith that he has been well acquainted with his Uncle Peter Dixon, who is an applicant for a pension, as this deponent is informed, for services rendered the United States during the War of the Revolution. Crawford was experienced in frontier warfare, well-liked by his men, and had served as an officer under Gen. Hands squaw campaign the year prior. The 10th Virginia Regiment of the Virginia Line was initially raised on December 28, 1775 in western Virginia for service with the Continental Army. William McIlvain's Co. This is one of the new ones I discovered. So just to clarify, there were two separate militia musters at Byrnsides Fort, for the Greenbrier Militia to march for Kentucky in order to serve in expeditions under George Rogers Clark: one in 1778, and one in 1781. Told from a soldier's point-of-view, Blood and Fury: America's Civil War features the war's most significant battles: Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Gettsyburg . Combined with the ones we already knew about, they paint a good picture of the importance of Byrnsides Fort, as well as James Byrnside himself during the Revolutionary War era. That again in the spring of 1782 on the first of April he volunteered and served on spying parties and in Hamilons [sic] Garrison untill the first of October under the command of the said Capt William Hamilton That he recollects in this year that he went on a spying campaign in company with Lenard Cooper John Shoemate Jesse and John Aursbourn[?] That he was marched accross the Blue Ridge of Mountains at Rockfish gap, thence directly to the City of Richmond, thence down the James River to Sandy Point where he with the company to which he belonged crossed the River and thence to Camp Carson an encampment in what was called the dismal Swamp near a place called Portsmouth in the State of Virginia, where he was stationed the greater part of the winter, and from thence he was marched with the Army in the spring to Murdoughs Mills [possibly Murdocks Mill] still nearer to Portsmouth where he remained untill the 9thof April 1781 when he was discharged having served a tour of three months; that during said three months Tour of service he was in one engagement or skirmish under the command of the aforesaid officers at or in sight of Portsmouth; that Captain Cunningham from Rockbridge County, Virginia was wounded in the groin; that the Captain received his wound a few paces in his front there was also one soldier wounded in the leg & was placed on a carriage and bourn off the field or ground of the engagement. He was also, of all the known pension applications, the individual who was garrisoned in Byrnsides Fort the longest period of time, apparently serving there in 1774, 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, 1780 and 1781. He is most noted for signing a treaty of alliance with the United States in September 1778. 1. He was concerned, however, that doing so might set an uncomfortable precedent, and he complained to Horatio Gates on 9 Mar. The nature of his Services as an Indian Spy in each of the aforesaid years was to leave Cooks Fort on Indian Creek descended said Creek to its mouth where it empties into New River and thence down New River to the mouth of Blue Stone, thence to Van-Bibbers Fort on Greenbrier River, and thence to Jarretts Fort on Wolf Creek, making a distance in going and returning of from thirty to thirty-five miles. In a letter to Washington, Brodhead described the incident: Ten miles this side of Conewago, Lieut. 2 vols. A Choice Body of Men: The Continental Army on the Upper Ohio . Vance, John, entered service as sergeant major in 13th Virginia Regiment; twice wounded at Battle of Germantown/ moved to western part of Pennsylvania or Virginia near Yogohany River abt. Washington liked Crawford, a fellow Virginian, and ultimately wanted to see him in control of all forces in the western region. ==Summary== The 13th Virginia Regiment was authorized on 16 September 1776 by the Continental Congress for service with the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. By the inclosed Return Your Excellency will be made Acquainted with the strength of the Garrison at this place.1 Genl Hand ordered me to send the Deserters from the Different Corps at Camp down by Capt. This article about a specific military unit of the American Civil War is a stub. We were stationed at Col Logans until General Clark returned to Kentucky from the Old Chilecothe [sic: Chillicothe] Indian Towns. we [illegible word] turn out all together and work [each] others corn and potatoe patches in turn whilst we were at work, one or two would be detailed to keep a look out for the Indians and in this way we worked and watched in turn we always selected some one among us as a sort of leader or Captain. that during the whole of the aforesaid time he was either actively engaged in scouting or in Garrison with an Imbodied Corps under the command of the aforesaid Officers and that he was not engaged in any civil pursuits during the aforesaid periods. Escrito en 27 febrero, 2023. October 24, 1776 put in the "Continental establishment" in Captain Marshall's Company in the 13th PA regiment commanded by Col. Walter Stewart. I was detailed to wait on the sick and did not reach the point until after the Battle was fought with the Indians at Point Pleasant [October 10, 1774]. Scott Keith Transferred to 8th PA regiment commanded by Col. Daniel Brodhead by Commission of Captain to take rank from October 20, 1777 later major in 2nd, 8th and 13th Pennsylvania Line. Dixon mustered for the 1778 trip, and ended up at Logans Station in Kentucky. made by the famous Mingo chief Logan, who was said to be the brother of Gibsons Indian wife. Reprint (1st work). Pennsylvania (should be Virginia) Line on Continental Establishment Commanded by Col Broadhead, & in Capt Jas Burnsides Company. The gates were opened and they successfully got into the fort in order to assist in its defense. That as early as the 1stday of May in the year 1779 he again commenced his Services in Burnsides Fort and continued in service until the 1stof November following that he thinks it was in this year a party of Indians came into the settlement and Murdered William Bradshaws Wife the circumstances are these Bradshaw had remained at home with his Family and two of the Spys returning to Cooks Fort [on Indian Creek just below Greenville] called at his Cabbin to rest and informed him. But then it was marched to the Lead Mines (Fort Chiswell) on Holston, and then to Logans Station in Kentucky. The undertaking and of which was considered to be very hazardous We arived safe at Logans Station on Dicks river (Dix River near present Stanford, KY) in Kentucky and delivered said express as directed to Colonel [Benjamin] Logan of Kentucky Staid at said station about Three weeks when the troops that this said declarant belonged to arived from Fort Chissel in Virginia for the purpose of joining Genl Clark.

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