Same OEM quality & reliability The benchmark for any quality standard is to first understand OEM toner cartridge print and page yield performance. Our products have undergone advance testing methods as per ISO 9001 certification to ensure that the process produce consistent results comparable to OEM standards.
Same OEM page yield Industries most stringent testing protocols and test using similar protocol to the OEM such as our page yield test using ISO19752|19798 standards. This ensures equal comparisons to understand our products strength against OEM's.
Market Positioning & Quality Concept
Market Positioning & Quality Concept We are specialized in providing total printing solutions for your office needs. (Cartridges,C onsumables, Printers & Maintenance) We only feed segmented market with highest level & service. (Refuse to do inferior quality and fake) Only the highest level quality & service oriented customers are pursued as potential buyers. Control stably defective ratio less than 2%. Pay attention to keep stable quality, not only high quality. Quality is not only from good raw materials, but also from quality concept/technique/management/experience. Quality foremost concept pushes us to do quality cartridges, meanwhile, Strong and aggressive engineering teams enable us to know how to do good quality cartridges. Always quote reasonable price based on our quality,